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複数のコピー機を使い全て異なる設定により偶発的要素を加えて出力された反復する犬のイメージ。2015年に制作され、翌年の’Slideluck Tokyo’でスライドショー版を上映、2021年にはロンドンのギャラリーで展示された作品を再編集。
A repetitive image of a dog that was output using multiple copiers, all with different settings, adding an accidental element. Produced in 2015, the slide show version was screened at 'Slideluck Tokyo' in the next year, and in 2021, the work exhibited at a gallery in London was re-edited.
2016年に彼らは、出版レーベル「spewedition」(現在休止中)をスタート。写真集出版、ライブパフォーマンス、インスタレーションなど、写真をベースに多岐に渡る活動を続ける。北川は「spew」の活動休止後も、自費で写真集出版、海外での個展など活動を続けてきた。2021年にはフランスの出版社「AREA BOOKS」より『PHOTOGRAPHY』を刊行する。
Koji Kitagawa
Lived in Tokyo.
Together with Daisuke Yokota and Naohiro Udagawa, launched the photography unit Spew.
In 2016, they started the publishing label "spewedition" (currently dormant). Based on photography, they continues to engage in a wide range of activities, including publication of photobooks, live performances, and installations. Kitagawa has continued his activities such as publishing a photobook at his own expense and holding solo exhibitions overseas even after the "spew" activity was suspended. In 2021, "PHOTOGRAPHY" was published by the French publisher "AREA BOOKS".